Monday, June 29, 2009

Its tough to be good.

Well when I say "Its tough to be good", I mean every word of it. And by good, ofcourse its my definition of being good!!!
I dont say that being good means you follow your parents and elders blindly, listen and do what is told to you. Go to temples everyday (thats a complete showoff!!! huh!!!), do household chores without an "uh"..(thats too much...i kno!!!)
You can only be good to following your own principles. If you try to please people, you'll be good for some and bad for some. If only you are true to your own conscience, can you actualy be satisfied with yourself and "be good" ;-)
But loads of times, there are things and situations that deflect you from your goal, cease you from thinking about your values. And most of the times, when people in your vicinity come to know you well, they try to use your principles against you!!! Your strengths become your weaknesses.... and if you stick to your beliefs, you seem to be weak (but actualy you are brave enough to stand by yourself.)
And then, you have this impression of your's in place...that you are weak or to put it the other way...that you are "good"..(meaning that you are a complete fool!!!!). People take you for granted.. and you dont care about this coz you are in line with your beliefs!!!
But there has to be a cant let this continue...coz you cant see others take undue advantage of you. This is when you have to modify your values and principles!!! This is when you have to stop being "good"....and when this are happy!!! you are happy NOT being good!!! you feel contended hitting back on people (not physically hitting okay???)
And so you change....


  1. Contentment is what we need in everything. When we are righteous in things we do, mostly things will turn good for us. Never mind what others say. Keep moving. After all world is a place, complicated to understand.

  2. everyone has its own defination of good or bad. What is good for you may be bad for someone else. For example for many, "one night stand" is normal and nothing wrong, while others feel its a bad and evil thing.
    nice post, but i feel i am good while others think its not just tough but imposible for me to be bad ;)
